English Language Drama and Debate Society (ELDDS)
English Language Drama and Debate Society (ELDDS)
In 2023, YIJC’s Drama Club and Debate Society merged to form the English Language Drama and Debate Society (ELDDS) and has grown from strength to strength.
For us at ELDDS (Drama), the stage is a heterotopia of magic. You get to live countless lives, tell important stories, and reap experiences that will last a lifetime. In 2023, we returned to the stage to enact our biennial production: Arts Fusion 2023, a landmark school event. The play, entitled "Raymond & Julie”, was a loose re-telling of the bard's classic, that was both touching and comedic. The production received rapturous applause and plaudits that were expressed in superlative terms. In 2024, members of the ELDDS Drama Wing will be participating in the SYF Arts Presentation.
ELDDS (Debate) aims to grow members’ cognitive and presentational skills. Our curated debate experiences have allowed members to acquire unique debate skills far beyond what can be learnt in any other setting, and to grow in their critical thinking, confidence, and leadership capabilities. In 2023, our YIJC debaters participated in competitions such as the NUSPA Debate Series, the MIDC-ACJC Intercollegiate Debating Championships, the MIDs 2023 Debating Competition as well as a number of sparring sessions with other junior colleges. This has helped expand their network and also allowed them to build friendships with peers from differing backgrounds. In 2024, the ELDDS Debate Wing looks forward to participating in a host of competitions to pit their wits and oratorical acumen against various other colleges.